High Adventure Team Patch
Member Roster


(Get detailed contact information from the Chairman.)

Chairman Stephen (Steve) Dodson *
Cell: (818) 967-1323
email: sedodson1@roadrunner.com
Vice Chair, Awards & Program Brian Phail
Vice Chair, Equipment Beth Miles
Vice Chair, Health and Safety Joe Soria
Vice Chair, Information & Promotion Matthew Holland
Vice Chair, Literature and Publications Steve Schlaifer
Vice Chair, Training and Workshops Michael Schlaifer *
Trail Boss Coordinator David (Dave) Ledford *
Editor, The Trail Head Craig Triance
email: trailhead@glaac-hat.org
Editor, HAT HiLites Tom Thorpe *
email: hilites@glaac-hat.org
Web master Tom Thorpe *
email: webmaster@glaac-hat.org
Staff Advisor Hannibol Sullivan
2333 Scout Way
Los Angeles, CA 90026
Work: (213) 413-4400
email: Hannibol.Sullivan@scouting.orgq
El Camino Real
Metropolitan Fan-Wei Kung
Pacifica Alison Arakawa
Pio Pico Jeff Schaffert *
Rose Bowl David Hensley
San Gabriel Valley Karen Baumgartner
Cub Scout Representative Tarin Casillas

* Authorized to approve High Adventure Applications