High Adventure Team Patch
Internet Links and Phone Numbers

Useful Links

http://www.hundredpeaks.org/ Maps and writeups for local peaks
https://www.fs.usda.gov/r5 All you need to know about National Forests in CA
http://desertpeaks.org/ Desert Peaks Section write-ups and archives
http://sierrapeaks.org/ Sierra Peak Section write-ups and archives
http://www.howlingduck.com/cgi-local/display_water_data.pl San Gorgonio Water Source Conditions
https://pctwater.com/ Pacific Crest Trail Water Report

Handy Phone Numbers

760-325-1449 Palm Springs Tramway (pstramway@earthlink.net)
877-444-6777 National Park Reservations
626-794-0675 Henninger Flats - camping, museum, merit badges
310-548-7562 Cabrillo Beach marine aquarium